In just 45 minutes, turn your bananas into a sweet-smelling banana jam with just 3 ingredients. No pectin is required! This recipe is super simple even if you are new to jam-making.
This banana jam has a tiny sour tinge that comes naturally from bananas and is intensified with lemon juice which makes it taste really good.
50 mins
10 minutes
This is only three ingredients in banana jam and the main ingredient is banana. So look for best tasting banana that has rich flavors
lemon juice
Peel the bananas and slice them roughly.
Transfer sliced bananas to a wide shallow pot and add sugar, and lemon juice.
1. I added cinnamon sticks to the jam pot. Cook jam for 30 minutes on medium-low heat until bananas are soft and mushy.
At this stage, you can mash the bananas. The mashed jam will have some texture. Or you can blend with the immersion blender for a smooth jam.
Remove the cinnamon stick when the jam is closing the setting point. The jam will thicken and get glossy.
Drawing a line on the pot will give you an idea of the jam-setting point.
Do a cold plate test by dropping a teaspoon of jam on a cold plate. Draw a line. The line shouldn't meet. The banana jam is ready.
Transfer hot jam to clean dry jars seal the lids and turn the jars upside down. This will create a vacuum seal. Let it set to room temperature for 12 hours then transfer to fridge or freezer.